
The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery. – Cost Effective Supplements

The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery.

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Conclusion of this study

No other direct effects of LCLT supplementation were observed on the absolute concentrations of the hormones examined, but with more undamaged tissue, a greater number of intact receptors would be available for hormonal interactions. These data support the use of LCLT as a recovery supplement for hypoxic exercise and lend further insights into the hormonal mechanisms that may help to mediate quicker recovery.

Supplements analyzed in this study


Health conditions analyzed in this study

Muscle Soreness

Slightly Positive

Functions related to this study

Muscle building

Slightly Positive

Overall health

Slightly Positive

Body systems related to this study

Endocrine System

Muscular System
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