
Coenzyme Q10 improves seminal oxidative defense but does not affect on semen parameters in idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: a randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial. – Cost Effective Supplements

Coenzyme Q10 improves seminal oxidative defense but does not affect on semen parameters in idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: a randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial.

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Conclusion of this study

Our results provide further evidence suggesting that CoQ10 supplementation is associated with alleviating oxidative stress, although it does not show any significant effects on sperm concentration, motility and morphology. It may be suggested that CoQ10 could be taken as an adjunct therapy in cases of OAT. Further studies are needed to draw a final conclusion.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Coenzyme Q10

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Oxidative Damage

Slightly Positive
Coenzyme Q10

Functions related to this study

Antioxidant potential

Moderately Positive
Coenzyme Q10

Men's health

Slightly Positive
Coenzyme Q10

Body systems related to this study

Overall Systems

Reproductive System
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