
Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with supplementation of coenzyme Q10. – Cost Effective Supplements

Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with supplementation of coenzyme Q10.

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Conclusion of this study

Serum CK (at 3 d), Mb (at 3 d) and lipid peroxide (at 3 d and 5 d) of the CoQ10 group were lower than those of the placebo group. The leucocyte counts in the placebo group significantly increased (at 3 d) and neutrophils significantly increased in both groups (at 3 d and 5 d). Serum scavenging activity against superoxide anion did not change in either group. These results indicate that CoQ10 supplementation reduced exercise-induced muscular injury in athletes.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Coenzyme Q10

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Exercise-induced Fatigue

Slightly Positive
Coenzyme Q10

Muscle Soreness

Slightly Positive
Coenzyme Q10

Functions related to this study

Muscle building

Slightly Positive
Coenzyme Q10

Body systems related to this study

Muscular System
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