
Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract powder and preventive treatment (diet) on the lipid profiles of patients with metabolic syndrome (MeSy). – Cost Effective Supplements

Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract powder and preventive treatment (diet) on the lipid profiles of patients with metabolic syndrome (MeSy).

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Conclusion of this study

Significant differences in total cholesterol, HDL-c, and the TAG/HDL-c ratio were found when the means of absolute differences among treatments were compared (ANOVA p<0.02). Therefore, in addition to the well documented hypotensive effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa, we suggest the use of HSEP in individuals with dyslipidemia associated with MeSy.

Supplements analyzed in this study


Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study


Slightly Positive

Heart health

Moderately Positive

Body systems related to this study

Cardiovascular System

Digestive System
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