
The effects of protein and amino acid supplementation on performance and training adaptations during ten weeks of resistance training. – Cost Effective Supplements

The effects of protein and amino acid supplementation on performance and training adaptations during ten weeks of resistance training.

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Conclusion of this study

Significant increases in 1RM bench press and leg press were observed in all groups after 10 weeks. In this study, the combination of whey and casein protein promoted the greatest increases in fat-free mass after 10 weeks of heavy resistance training. Athletes, coaches, and nutritionists can use these findings to increase fat-free mass and to improve body composition during resistance training.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Whey Protein

Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study

Muscle building

Slightly Positive
Whey Protein

Weight loss

Slightly Positive
Whey Protein

Body systems related to this study

Digestive System

Muscular System
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