
Effect of protein-supplement timing on strength, power, and body-composition changes in resistance-trained men. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effect of protein-supplement timing on strength, power, and body-composition changes in resistance-trained men.

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Conclusion of this study

Significant main effects were also seen in both upper and lower body peak and mean power, but no significant differences were seen between groups. No changes in body mass or percent body fat were seen in any of the groups. Results indicate that the time of protein-supplement ingestion in resistance-trained athletes during a 10-wk training program does not provide any added benefit to strength, power, or body-composition changes.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Whey Protein

Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study

Muscle building

Slightly Positive
Whey Protein

Weight loss

Slightly Positive
Whey Protein

Body systems related to this study

Digestive System

Muscular System
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