
Efficacy of Nigella sativa on serum free testosterone and metabolic disturbances in central obese male. – Cost Effective Supplements

Efficacy of Nigella sativa on serum free testosterone and metabolic disturbances in central obese male.

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Conclusion of this study

although the other variables in the treatment group were not significantly different, we found them better than the control group, which can be a good sign for metabolic restoration in COM. It is suggested that larger dose and longer duration of NS consumption will give better results.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Black cumin

Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study

Emotional health

Moderately Positive
Black cumin

Heart health

Slightly Positive
Black cumin

Weight loss

Slightly Positive
Black cumin

Body systems related to this study

Cardiovascular System

Digestive System

Nervous System
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