
Effects of alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherol supplementation on markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in type 2 diabetes. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effects of alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherol supplementation on markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in type 2 diabetes.

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Conclusion of this study

The ability of tocopherols to reduce systemic oxidative stress suggests potential benefits of vitamin E supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes. In populations with well-controlled type 2 diabetes, supplementation with either alphaT or mixed tocopherols rich in gammaT is unlikely to confer further benefits in reducing inflammation.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Vitamin E

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Oxidative Damage

Slightly Positive
Vitamin E

Functions related to this study

Antioxidant potential

Slightly Positive
Vitamin E

Insulin control

Slightly Positive
Vitamin E

Body systems related to this study

Endocrine System

Overall Systems
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