
A clinical study on the management of generalized anxiety disorder with Centella asiatica. – Cost Effective Supplements

A clinical study on the management of generalized anxiety disorder with Centella asiatica.

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Conclusion of this study

The observations revealed that, CA not only significantly (p<0.01) attenuated anxiety related disorders but it also significantly (p<0.01) reduced stress phenomenon and its correlated depression. CA further significantly (p<0.01) improved the willingness for adjustment and cognition. Results indicated that Centella asiatica may be useful in the treatment of GAD and may be used as a promising anxiolytic agent in near future.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Gotu kola

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
Gotu kola


Slightly Positive
Gotu kola


Slightly Positive
Gotu kola

Functions related to this study

Emotional health

Slightly Positive
Gotu kola


Slightly Positive
Gotu kola

Body systems related to this study

Nervous System
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