
Dietary fish oil decreases C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and triacylglycerol to HDL-cholesterol ratio in postmenopausal women on HRT. – Cost Effective Supplements

Dietary fish oil decreases C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and triacylglycerol to HDL-cholesterol ratio in postmenopausal women on HRT.

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Conclusion of this study

These results suggest that dietary fish oil may decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease through the modulation of both plasma lipids and inflammatory markers in healthy postmenopausal women.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Fish Oil

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
Fish Oil

Functions related to this study

Antioxidant potential

Slightly Positive
Fish Oil

Heart health

Highly Positive
Fish Oil

Body systems related to this study

Cardiovascular System

Immune System
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