
Effect of New Zealand blueberry consumption on recovery from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effect of New Zealand blueberry consumption on recovery from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.

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Conclusion of this study

This study demonstrates that the ingestion of a blueberry smoothie prior to and after EIMD accelerates recovery of muscle peak isometric strength. This effect, although independent of the beverage's inherent antioxidant capacity, appears to involve an up-regulation of adaptive processes, i.e. endogenous antioxidant processes, activated by the combined actions of the eccentric exercise and blueberry consumption. These findings may benefit the sporting community who should consider dietary interventions that specifically target health and performance adaptation.

Supplements analyzed in this study


Health conditions analyzed in this study

Muscle Soreness

Slightly Positive

Oxidative Damage

Slightly Positive

Functions related to this study

Antioxidant potential

Slightly Positive

Muscle building

Slightly Positive

Body systems related to this study

Muscular System

Overall Systems
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