
Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite, food intake and anthropometry in adult Indian men and women. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite, food intake and anthropometry in adult Indian men and women.

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Conclusion of this study

While there was a trend towards a greater decrease in body weight, body mass index, hip circumference, body fat and energy intake between assessment time points in the experimental group, these were not significantly different between experimental and placebo groups. Caralluma extract appears to suppress appetite, and reduce waist circumference when compared to placebo over a 2 month period.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Caralluma fimbriata

Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study

Weight loss

Slightly Positive
Caralluma fimbriata

Body systems related to this study

Digestive System
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