
Effects of antioxidant supplements intervention on the level of plasma inflammatory molecules and disease severity of rheumatoid arthritis patients. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effects of antioxidant supplements intervention on the level of plasma inflammatory molecules and disease severity of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

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Conclusion of this study

Dietary supplementation of antioxidants at 900 mg/day for 4 weeks did not change the blood biomarkers of inflammation and disease severity of RA patients under conventional medical treatments. Further considerations for dose-response relationships, duration of supplementation, and susceptible biomarkers are required.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Functions related to this study

Antioxidant potential

Slightly Positive
Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Body systems related to this study

Immune System
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