
The effect of Li 1370, extract of Ginkgo biloba, on REM sleep in humans. – Cost Effective Supplements

The effect of Li 1370, extract of Ginkgo biloba, on REM sleep in humans.

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Conclusion of this study

For this purpose we recruited 10 healthy volunteers of both sexes and recorded sleep polysomnograms in a randomised cross-over study, comparing sleep polysomnograms taken the night after a single evening dose of Li 1370 (240 mg) with sleep polysomnograms taken after an evening dose of placebo. No significant differences in sleep parameters (including REM sleep measures) were detected; however sleep efficiency measures and subjective sleep quality reports showed that Li 1370 was well tolerated.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Ginkgo biloba

Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study

Sleep quality

Slightly Positive
Ginkgo biloba

Body systems related to this study

Nervous System
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