
A clinical trial of Gingkco Biloba Extract in patients with intermittent claudication. – Cost Effective Supplements

A clinical trial of Gingkco Biloba Extract in patients with intermittent claudication.

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Conclusion of this study

A/B ratio and Doppler ankle responses to exercise did not show any significant change in either group at any time interval, nor did the post exercise recovery time. Gingkco Biloba Extract is a safe and effective method of improving walking distance and reducing pain severity in patients with intermittent claudication, although Doppler studies have failed to suggest any gross improvement in the perfusion of the ischaemic leg.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Ginkgo biloba

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Intermittent Claudication

Slightly Positive
Ginkgo biloba

Functions related to this study

Heart health

Slightly Positive
Ginkgo biloba

Body systems related to this study

Cardiovascular System
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