
Comparison of outcome measures during treatment with the proprietary Harpagophytum extract doloteffin in patients with pain in the lower back, knee or hip. – Cost Effective Supplements

Comparison of outcome measures during treatment with the proprietary Harpagophytum extract doloteffin in patients with pain in the lower back, knee or hip.

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Conclusion of this study

About 10% of the patients suffered from minor adverse events that could possibly have been attributable to Doloteffin. Between 50% and 70% of the patients benefitted from Doloteffin with few adverse effects. Thus, Doloteffin is well worth considering for osteoarthritic knee and hip pain and nonspecific low back pain.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Devil's Claw

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
Devil's Claw

Functions related to this study

Joint support

Slightly Positive
Devil's Claw

Body systems related to this study

Skeletal System
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