
Treatment of diabetic microangiopathy and edema with total triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica: a prospective, placebo-controlled randomized study. – Cost Effective Supplements

Treatment of diabetic microangiopathy and edema with total triterpenic fraction of Centella asiatica: a prospective, placebo-controlled randomized study.

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Conclusion of this study

In conclusion, the decrease in capillary filtration and edema is associated with symptomatic improvement. The action on edema is beneficial for the evolution of neuropathy. The effects of TTFCA on flux, RAS, and edema are important in early stages of microangiopathy to avoid progression to clinical stages.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Gotu kola

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
Gotu kola

Functions related to this study

Antioxidant potential

Slightly Positive
Gotu kola

Heart health

Moderately Positive
Gotu kola

Body systems related to this study

Cardiovascular System

Overall Systems
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