
Effects of 12-week oral supplementation of Ecklonia cava polyphenols on anthropometric and blood lipid parameters in overweight Korean individuals: a double-blind randomized clinical trial. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effects of 12-week oral supplementation of Ecklonia cava polyphenols on anthropometric and blood lipid parameters in overweight Korean individuals: a double-blind randomized clinical trial.

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Conclusion of this study

In conclusion, these results demonstrated that ECP supplementation significantly contributed to lowering body fat and serum lipid parameters such as total and LDL cholesterols with dose dependence. Further studies using different populations, dosages or biological markers are highly recommended to better understand the physiological features of this polyphenol.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Ecklonia cava

Health conditions analyzed in this study

No health conditions information for this study.

Functions related to this study

Heart health

Slightly Positive
Ecklonia cava

Insulin control

Slightly Positive
Ecklonia cava

Body systems related to this study

Cardiovascular System

Endocrine System
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