
Efficacy of senna versus lactulose in terminal cancer patients treated with opioids. – Cost Effective Supplements

Efficacy of senna versus lactulose in terminal cancer patients treated with opioids.

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Conclusion of this study

Laxative efficacy was analyzed through t test and analysis of variance. No difference was found between the laxatives in defecation-free intervals or in days with defecation. The final scores for general health status were similar in both groups. Given that the two treatments have similar efficacy and adverse effects, a recommendation is made for the use of senna because its cost is lower than lactulose.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Senna alexandria

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Highly Positive
Senna alexandria

Functions related to this study


Highly Positive
Senna alexandria

Body systems related to this study

Digestive System
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