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What are Saffron's other names?

  • Crocus sativus

What is Saffron's recommended dosage?

  • Recommended daily intake: 30 mg
  • Recommended daily doses: 2

What supplements interact with Saffron?

No supplements that have a synergystic effect with this one.

What can Saffron help with?

  • Saffron for Depression

Moderately Positive

At 6 weeks, Crocus sativus produced a significantly better outcome on the Hamilton depression rating scale than the placebo (d.f. = 1, F = 18.89, p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the two groups in terms of the observed side effects. The results of this study indicate the efficacy of Crocus sativus in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. A large-scale trial is justified.

Moderately Positive

At the end of trial, petal of C. sativus was found to be effective similar to fluoxetine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression (F=0.03, d.f.=1, P=0.84). In addition, in the both treatments, the remission rate was 25%. There were no significant differences in the two groups in terms of observed side effects. The present study is supportive of other studies which show antidepressant effect of C. sativus.

Moderately Positive

Findings from clinical trials conducted to date indicate that saffron supplementation can improve symptoms of depression in adults with MDD. Larger clinical trials, conducted by research teams outside of Iran, with long-term follow-ups are needed before firm conclusions can be made regarding saffron's efficacy and safety for treating depressive symptoms.

Moderately Positive

It seems saffron may safely and effectively improve some of the fluoxetine-induced sexual problems including arousal, lubrication, and pain.

Moderately Positive

Saffron at this dose was found to be effective similar to fluoxetine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression (F = 0.13, d.f. = 1, P = 0.71). There were no significant differences in the two groups in terms of observed side effects. The results of this study indicate the efficacy of Crocus sativus in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. A large-scale trial is justified.

Moderately Positive

Saffron is a tolerable and efficacious treatment for fluoxetine-related erectile dysfunction.

Moderately Positive

The main overall finding from this study is that saffron may be of therapeutic benefit in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. To the best of our knowledge this is the first clinical trial that supports this indication for saffron. A large-scale trial with placebo control is warranted.

Moderately Positive

The results of this study indicate the efficacy of C. sativus L. in the treatment of PMS. However, a tolerable adverse effects profile of saffron may well confirm the application of saffron as an alternative treatment for PMS. These results deserved further investigations.

Moderately Positive

The results of this study indicate the efficacy of petal of C. sativus in the treatment of mild-to-moderate depression. A large-scale trial is justified.

  • Saffron for Premenstrual Syndrome

  • Saffron for Alzheimer's Disease

  • Saffron for Anxiety

  • Saffron for Atherosclerosis

What is Saffron used for?

What are Saffron's effects on the body?

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