
Effects of lozenge containing lavender oil, extracts from hops, lemon balm and oat on electrical brain activity of volunteers. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effects of lozenge containing lavender oil, extracts from hops, lemon balm and oat on electrical brain activity of volunteers.

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Conclusion of this study

The changes as observed after the application of this herbal composition are therefore in line with the idea of having induced a state of relaxation and regeneration. This interpretation suggests that one could expect from the ingestion of this lozenge to better cope with psychological and emotional stress. The data are further proof that recording computer aided quantitative EEG is a very fruitful and promising approach in psychophysiology.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Lemon Balm

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
Lemon Balm

Functions related to this study

Emotional health

Slightly Positive
Lemon Balm

Body systems related to this study

Nervous System
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