
Ginkgo biloba decreases acute mountain sickness in people ascending to high altitude at Ollagüe (3696 m) in northern Chile. – Cost Effective Supplements

Ginkgo biloba decreases acute mountain sickness in people ascending to high altitude at Ollagüe (3696 m) in northern Chile.

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Conclusion of this study

This study provides evidence supporting the use of G biloba in the prevention of AMS, demonstrating that 24 hours of pretreatment with G biloba and subsequent maintenance during exposure to high altitude are sufficient to reduce the incidence of AMS in participants with no previous high-altitude experience.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Ginkgo biloba

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Acute Mountain Sickness

Moderately Positive
Ginkgo biloba

Functions related to this study

Mental health

Moderately Positive
Ginkgo biloba

Overall health

Slightly Positive
Ginkgo biloba

Body systems related to this study

Muscular System

Nervous System
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