
Effect of topical application of raspberry ketone on dermal production of insulin-like growth factor-I in mice and on hair growth and skin elasticity in humans. – Cost Effective Supplements

Effect of topical application of raspberry ketone on dermal production of insulin-like growth factor-I in mice and on hair growth and skin elasticity in humans.

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Conclusion of this study

When applied topically to the scalp and facial skin, 0.01% RK promoted hair growth in 50.0% of humans with alopecia (n=10) at 5 months after application and increased cheek skin elasticity at 2 weeks after application in 5 females (p<0.04). These observations strongly suggest that RK might increase dermal IGF-I production through sensory neuron activation, thereby promoting hair growth and increasing skin elasticity.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Raspberry Ketone

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Hair Loss

Slightly Positive
Raspberry Ketone

Functions related to this study

Skin, hair and nails

Slightly Positive
Raspberry Ketone

Body systems related to this study

Integumentary system
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