
alpha-Tocopherol supplementation in racing cyclists during extreme endurance training. – Cost Effective Supplements

alpha-Tocopherol supplementation in racing cyclists during extreme endurance training.

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Conclusion of this study

However there was a significant reduction in CK in serum of the E-supplemented group. A trend toward decrease in GOT, GPT, and LDH was observed with alpha-tocopherol supplementation. Moreover, significantly reduced malondialdehyde serum levels were measured in the E-supplemented group. The findings indicate a protective effect of alpha-tocopherol supplementation against oxidative stress induced by strenuous exercise.

Supplements analyzed in this study

Vitamin E

Health conditions analyzed in this study

Muscle Soreness

Slightly Positive
Vitamin E

Functions related to this study

Muscle building

Slightly Positive
Vitamin E

Body systems related to this study

Muscular System
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