
The efficacy of Pelargonium sidoides in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in children with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy. – Cost Effective Supplements

The efficacy of Pelargonium sidoides in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in children with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy.

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Conclusion of this study

In conclusion, the Pelargonium sidoides group showed increased appetite. The Pelargonium sidoides were found to beneficial for the nasal congestion, recovery of daily and nocturnal cough but not found be significant. Further studies with large number of participants are necessary to highlight the effect of Pelargonium sidoides in children with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy.

Supplements analyzed in this study

African Geranium

Health conditions analyzed in this study


Slightly Positive
African Geranium


Moderately Positive
African Geranium

Immune System and Disorders

Slightly Positive
African Geranium


Moderately Positive
African Geranium

Functions related to this study


Moderately Positive
African Geranium

Body systems related to this study

Immune System

Respiratory System
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