7 Benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis (BL 04, BPL1, Weight Loss?)


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What are the benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis?

The following are some benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis:

  1. Reduces gastrointestinal discomfort: A review of the literature shows that when fermented milk containing B.Lactis was consumed by women, it resulted in decreased gastrointestinal discomfort and other GI symptoms.
  2. Improves oral health: A trial conducted on 29 volunteers shows that administration of oral lozenges containing B. Lactis and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus for 4 weeks resulted in a decrease in dental plaques and gingival inflammation. 
  3. May prevent weight gain: Animal studies show that probiotic supplementation with B. Lactis resulted in reduced fat mass and glucose intolerance in obese and diabetic mice.
  4. Decreases antibiotic-related and infant diarrhea: Studies show that consumption of B. Lactis decreases antibiotic-related diarrhea. A trial revealed that feeding infants with a formula containing B.Lacits resulted in less occurrence of diarrhea as compared to the placebo group. 
  5. Improves Immune response: A trial showed that vaccination followed by consumption of B.Lacits resulted in a higher specific antibody response as compared to the placebo. 
  6. Decreased respiratory infection and symptoms: Supplementation with B.Lactis may result in decreased respiratory infections, symptoms, and improved quality of life. 
  7. B. Lactis decreases acute respiratory tract infection in infants. 

What is Bifidobacterium Lactis?

Bifidobacterium Lactis is a gram-positive, anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria used as a probiotic. It is usually found in the large intestine of humans and other mammals. Bifidobacterium Lactis is also known as Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Lactis. Bifidobacterium Lactis BB12 is one of the world’s most documented probiotics. 

Bifidobacterium Lactis is a more versatile strain than other strains of Bifidobacterium. It is commonly used in many foods, dairy, and freeze-dried products. 

Its most beneficial actions are well explained and studied. Some of its important probiotic-related actions are:

  • Good gastric acid and bile tolerance
  • Strong adhesion to mucus
  • Inhibits pathogens
  • Improves intestinal barrier function
  • Enhances immune function

Some of the well-studied strains of Bifidobacterium Lactis are:

  • B. Lactis Bi-07
  • B.Lactis BB12
  • B.Lactis HN019
  • B. Lactis BL-04 

In the video below, Dr. Ryan Bentley talks about the many beneficial effects of Bifidobacterium Lactis:

This is our recommended Probiotic Supplement with Bifidobacterium Lactis:


Gut+ from ProBiology (Probiotics + Prebiotics Formula)

What is Bifidobacterium Lactis BL-04?

Bifidobacterium Lactis BL-04 is a strain of B.Lactis. This specific strain is mostly studied for its anti-allergic, ability to decrease antibiotic-related diarrhea, and immunity-related properties. B. Lactis BL-04 can be found in many commercial products.

Bifidobacterium Lactis BL-04 offers the following benefits:

  • Protects against respiratory tract infections: A study shows that when the cold virus was given to 114 participants consuming the probiotic supplement and a placebo, the probiotic group showed a decreased incidence of respiratory infection as well as virus multiplication and spread as compared to the placebo group. 
  • Improves specific antibody response: when B.Lactis BL-04 was given to participants following cholera vaccination, the probiotic group showed an increase in the specific antibodies as compared to the placebo group. 
  • Decreases allergy symptoms: When a probiotic containing B. Lactis BL-04 and L. Acidophilus was given to 47 children followed by exposure to pollen, the probiotic group reported less occurrence of allergies and nasal congestion as compared to the placebo group. 
  • Bifidobacterium Lactis BL-04 stabilizes gut flora and increases the level of Bifidobacterium.
  • It decreases antibiotic-related diarrhea.

Does Bifidobacterium Lactis BPL1 help with weight loss?

Bifidobacterium Lactis BPL1 can help weight loss. Clinical trials conducted on women show that the daily consumption of B. Lactis BPL1 decreased waist circumference after 6 weeks of treatment. During the trial, 135 abdominally obese participants consumed either the probiotic or a placebo. At the end of the study, researchers found a significant reduction in the waist circumference as compared to the placebo.

The clinical trial conducted on women showed that consumption of B.Lactis BPL1 also significantly decreased Body Mass Index (BMI) and adiposity biomarkers. 

Another study in rats demonstrated that the B. Lactis strains BPL1 possess anti-obesity properties and can have potential use in humans.

What are the benefits of the Bifidobacterium Lactis BB12 supplement?

The Bifidobacterium Lactis strain BB12 as a supplement offers the following benefits:

  • Improves healthy bowel function: In one of the largest clinical trials, consisting of 1200 participants, researchers administered B.Lactis BB12  and a placebo. The researchers found that the group that received B. Lactis showed improved bowel movements. 
  • Decreases constipation: Another clinical trial in women showed that consumption of the probiotic decreased constipation in constipated women, as well it did not cause diarrhea in non-constipated women.   
  • Improves immune response: B. Lactis may improve the immune response by increasing antibody production, immune cell activity, and signaling between immune cells. 
  • It decreased diarrhea in infants and children when a formula containing B.Lactis BB12 was used. 
  • Reduces Helicobactor Pylori and restores the level of Bifidobacterium.
  • Lowers total and low-density cholesterol. 
  • Decreases blood glucose level and helps manage type 2 diabetes. 

What are the benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019?

The following are some benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019:

  • Improves gut health: B. Lactis improves gut health by maintaining the integrity of the epithelium, barrier functions during gastrointestinal infections, and modulating gut microbiota. 
  • Protects against E.coli: B. Lactis HN019 protects against E.coli by decreasing its number and adhesive capacity.
  • Improves immune system: It protects against various pathogens by stimulating the innate immune system, especially against gastrointestinal infections
  • Decreases constipation: Studies show that a daily dose of the probiotic for 2 weeks reduced the incidence of constipation by decreasing colonic transit time and improving gastrointestinal symptoms. 
  • Aids digestion and nutrient use: B. Lactis aids in digestion by avoiding gas production and utilizing nutrients such as carbohydrates effectively. 
  • Studies show that children consuming milk fortified with B. Lactis experienced less incidence of anemia and iron deficiency as compared to the placebo group.   
  • Decreases metabolic syndrome and risk of cardiovascular disease by decreasing total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and body mass index. 

Does Bifidobacterium Lactis B420 help in weight loss?

Bifidobacterium Lactis B420 can help lose weight because it can modulate gut microbiota, given that the studies show changes in the gut microbiome can lead to obesity. B. Lactis also affects energy metabolism and efficiently uses nutrients resulting in weight loss.

A study in mice demonstrated that supplementation with B.Lactis B420 led to a significant decrease in fat mass gain in obese and diabetic animals. 

Another study shows that a six-week supplementation with B. Lactis resulted in a decrease in fat mass accumulation as compared to a placebo in obese mice. 

A clinical trial shows that B.Lactis supplementation led to decreased waist circumference and less total body fat mass as compared to the placebo group. 

Does Bifidobacterium Lactis have any side effects?

Bifidobacterium Lactis is safe for most people but it may cause some minor side effects such as gas and bloating in some people. However, people with the following conditions must speak with their physician before consuming probiotics.

  • Weak immune system: People with weak or compromised immune systems and patients undergoing HIV treatment, organ transplants, or cancer treatment should take probiotics with caution.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: The safety of Bifidobacterium in pregnant or breastfeeding women is not well documented. Women should consult their physician before consuming probiotics.

Does Bifidobacterium Lactis affect histamine?

Bifidobacterium Lactis may decrease levels of histamine. Studies show that B.Lactis can break down histamine and decrease symptoms of allergy. People suffering from histamine intolerance can consume probiotics containing B. Lactis.

Imbalanced gut microflora is one of the causes of histamine intolerance and given B. Lactis can modulate intestinal flora, it helps lower the levels of histamine.   

Studies show the administration of B.Lactis along with other probiotics in infants decreased symptoms of eczema when fed with a formula containing probiotics as compared with the placebo group. The research suggests that the inclusion of probiotics in diet can decrease allergic inflammation. 

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This article makes use of information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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7 Benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis (BL 04, BPL1, Weight Loss?)
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