Essential oil for Vitiligo (Turmeric and Mustard Oil?)


What are the benefits of Turmeric and Mustard oil for Vitiligo?

The benefits of Turmeric and Mustard oil for Vitiligo have been widely discussed owing to their several medicinal anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. 

A mixture of both Turmeric and Mustard oil has been shown to stimulate skin pigmentation. This can be store-bought or easily prepared as an effective and safe home remedy through the following steps:

  • Take 5 tablespoons of Turmeric
  • Add around 250 ml of Mustard oil
  • Mix them
  • Apply to the affected area twice a day
  • Continue this routine for about one year and document your progress

What is the benefit of Essential Oil for Vitiligo?

The benefits of essential oils for Vitiligo are manifested in their repigmentation properties. Just massaging 1-2 drops of essential oils on the affected area daily can make a significant improvement in removing white patches from the skin.

Here’s a list of the top essential oils to use for Vitiligo:

  • Black pepper
  • Bergamot
  • Curry leaf
  • Radish seed
  • Bakuchi
  • Ginger
  • Black seed
  • Lavender
  • Carrot seed
  • Geranium
  • Frankincense

Aside from these, there are reports from medicinal products containing essential oils that have proved both safe and effective in 87% of patients with Vitiligo showing repigmentation success rate of more than 50%.

In the video below, the YouTube channel Health Apta shows how to use Turmeric and Mustard Oil for Vitiligo

This is our recommended Turmeric supplement (Amazon’s Choice):

Nature Made Turmeric Curcumin 500 mg, Herbal Supplement for Antioxidant Support, 120 Capsules, 120 Day Supply

What is the benefit of Coconut oil for Vitiligo?

The benefits of coconut oil for Vitiligo have been celebrated by many patients. Having a high percentage of nourishing fats, can soothe the skin and relieve inflammation.

Virgin coconut oil is widely recommended as a remedy for clearing white patches, restoring skin pigmentation, and strengthening the skin.

Additionally, Coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties which makes it ideal for treating infections as well as providing skin protection.

What is the benefit of Tea tree oil for Vitiligo?

The benefits of Tea tree oil for Vitiligo arise from its ability to slow or reverse skin patches. As a result of its immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Steps for preparing and using Tea tree oil:

  • Put 2-3 drops of Tea tree oil
  • Add another carrier oil
  • Use a cotton ball and dunk it in the oil
  • Apply it to the affected area once or twice daily 

For optimum efficiency and safety, pure Tea tree oil without any additives should be used. Thus, it’s advised to buy from verified carriers to avoid any added ingredients.

What is the benefit of Neem oil for Vitiligo?

The benefit of Neem oil for Vitiligo can help in regaining the original color of the skin and is considered a very good natural product for many skin problems due to its nutritional profile that includes:

  • fatty acids (EFA)
  • limonoids
  • vitamin E
  • triglycerides
  • antioxidants
  • calcium

It’s important to note that it has a potent effect and a harsh odor. Thus, those with sensitive skin should be wise to try it in small doses first and document the effect to avoid any adverse reactions.

On the other hand, a case study reports back unfavorable results for 10 patients who were susceptible to Vitiligo-like symptoms which subsided on their own after stopping Neem treatment.

What is the benefit of Bergamot oil for Vitiligo?

The benefit of Bergamot oil for Vitiligo has been supported by science showing promising results in treating skin discoloration. Aside from its antiseptic properties, it functions in stimulating melanin production which in turn helps with Vitiligo.

However, it’s advised to avoid using Bergamot oil during the day or exposing it to sunlight for a prolonged period as it can interact with sunlight and have unwanted side effects that can increase skin sensitivity, cause blisters, and carcinogenic changes. 

Is Olive oil good for Vitiligo?

Olive oil has been proven to be good for Vitiligo due to its natural composition of healthy fats that can further stimulate the skin to repigmentation. Olive oil is widely recommended for Vitiligo patients and is the easiest to include in a diet.

The beneficial functions that Olive oil has on Vitiligo are:

  • Anti-inflammatory (which can be great in dialing down inflammation caused by Vitiligo)
  • Promotes digestion (promoting gut health promotes the immune system as well)
  • Weight management (Since obesity is a risk factor for autoimmune diseases)

The FDA recommended dosage for Olive oil is 1 tablespoon (13.5 ml) when included in the diet, or it can simply be applied topically.

What is the benefit of Almond oil for Vitiligo?

The benefit of Almond oil for vitiligo can be summarized in its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiaging, and antibacterial properties. 

There have been multiple patient experiences that advocate the use of Almond milk revealing that it has disappeared their white patches completely.

Almond oil as a treatment for Vitiligo can be applied alone or combined with aloe vera.

However, one should be very careful when using Almond oil and keep in mind:

  • It should be avoided during pregnancy
  • It should never be taken if someone is allergic to nuts
  • Eczema patients and those with sensitive skin shouldn’t use it as it can aggravate their skin

What are the benefits of Herbs and Vitamins for Vitiligo?

The benefits of herbs and vitamins for Vitiligo have been well documented in the literature. Below is a list of the most cited substances by patients that have shown improvements in skin discoloration:

  • Vitamin B12, A, C, D, and E
  • Folic acid
  • Beta carotene
  • Ginkgo biloba 
  • Black pepper
  • Khella

These recommendations were further confirmed by research. A study done on mice showed supporting evidence for the effect of vitamins A, C, and E in curing Vitiligo. 

Another done on humans revealed total repigmentation after combined intake of vitamin B12, folic acid, and sun exposure for 3-6 months.

Is there a possibility that Vitamin D3 cured my Vitiligo? 

There’s a high possibility that vitamin D3 cures Vitiligo. This is evidence is drawn from a study done on 16 Vitiligo patients who were given 35,000 IU of vitamin D for 6 months, 14 of which have positive results of repigmentation ranging from 25% to 75%.

Additionally, other studies showed that Vitiligo patients have noticeable vitamin D deficiency, but the verdict is still out if this deficiency can cause Vitiligo or not.

Thus, there’s an obvious link between vitamin D and Vitiligo but there need to be further investigations put into its efficacy upon independent use.

How much Vitamin B12 should I take for Vitiligo?

The amount of vitamin B12 you should take for Vitiligo is around 1-25 mcg supplement per day and 100-200 mcg monthly injection under the skin or into the muscle. However, the dose varies from one person to another which is why it’s always advised to consult your doctor first.

Associations between vitamin B12 deficiency and Vitiligo were shown through scientific research and patient experience warranting further investigations into its potential role in curing Vitiligo.

What is the benefit of an Ayurvedic diet for Vitiligo?

The benefit of an Ayurvedic diet for Vitiligo isn’t just limited to treating the white patches on the skin alone rather it works on targeting and eliminating the underlying cause of Vitiligo.

The first step for an Ayurvedic diet works three the following::

  • Oleation: Also known as Snehana which involves the application of oils on the skin for a week.
  • Steaming: Also known as Swedana or sudation which involves a steaming process that works on inducing sweat.
  • Cleansing: Also known as Sodhana which involves a purification process. 

After that, Topical herbal oils are applied, supplements are taken and some recommendations like consuming light meals and eating green grams are provided. Needless to say, the Ayurvedic diet is a cure by lifestyle change.

What is the benefit of PABA for Vitiligo?

The benefit of Paba for Vitiligo still has been contradictory of sorts. As a component of folic acid, it’s considered a treatment for Vitiligo among other health conditions. 

However, some reports reveal that taking more than 8 grams a day can cause white patches on the skin, so causing Vitiligo rather than treating it. Additionally, there are other claims that doses over 12 grams a day may be the cause of Liver toxicity. 

So, while PABA can have some benefits in treating Vitiligo, there’s still a need for further investigations to prove its safety, dosage, and efficacy.

What is the benefit of Papaya for Vitiligo?

The benefit of Papaya for Vitiligo lies within its ability to replenish the body with melanin cells and increase its production.

Here’s a list of the functions provided by Papaya that gives it an edge over its competitors:

  • Has Sunscreen protection
  • Rich in natural vitamins
  • Provides minerals 
  • Has Antiaging properties
  • Boosts healthy skin
  • Contains healing Enzymes

All of these functions combined with its great taste and availability make Papaya a great recommendation for treating Vitiligo.

Is Honey one of the Home Remedies for Vitiligo?

TheHoney is among the home remedies for Vitiligo. Given that it’s a rich source of antioxidants, honey works as a moisturizing agent boosting skin health and removing white patches altogether.

This was evident in a case report of a 12-year-old Vitiligo patient who took two tablespoons of honey combined with cow milk which resulted in depigmentation after 4 months.

Moreover, It’s recommended to apply it on the face for half an hour to gain the benefits before rinsing it off. 

What is the benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar for Vitiligo?

The benefit of Apple cider vinegar for Vitiligo is due to its antimicrobial property where it can kill microbes that produce white patches and reduces stomach acidity that’s associated with Vitiligo.

Follow these simple instructions to eliminate Vitiligo patches:

  • Applying a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water onto the affected area (for about a month)
  • Drinking a glass of water half an hour before a meal mixed with apple cider vinegar

But, document your progression and make sure to consult your doctor first to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Is there any success when treating Vitiligo with Ginkgo Biloba?

According to recent data, there is a degree of success when treating Vitiligo with Ginkgo Biloba, which has proven to be a very safe and effective treatment for Vitiligo.

Ginkgo biloba possesses antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties which work on stopping Vitiligo progression and speeding up recovery by increasing the rate of repigmentation. This was further confirmed by a clinical trial with significant improvements for Vitiligo symptoms after Ginkgo biloba intake with no side effects.

The dosage for Ginkgo biloba has not been yet determined. However, some carriers recommend taking around 120 mg. 

How to use Red Clay for Vitiligo?

Red clay can be used as an effective treatment for Vitiligo by forming a paste composed of ginger juice and red clay and applying it to the affected areas. Ginger juice is chosen for its useful effect in increasing blood flow to the affected area. 

An important point to note when using red clay is to avoid mixing it inside a non-metal bowl because it will react with clay and make it useless.

What is the benefit of Black pepper paste for Vitiligo?

The benefits of black pepper paste for Vitiligo are included in its active component called piperine which works on stimulating skin repigmentation.

This was evident in an animal study that determined the efficacy of Black pepper paste in treating Vitiligo and recommended it for further investigations through clinical trials.

What is the benefit of drinking Aloe Vera gel for Vitiligo?

Drinking aloe vera gel can be of great benefit for Vitiligo in supporting the immune system and boosting health. It contains many antioxidant properties and substances including:

  • Vitamin A, C, B12
  • Folic acid
  • Essential minerals

That helps in skin repigmentation and boosts the immune system. 

It’s recommended to drink aloe vera juice every morning after waking up on an empty stomach and reap the therapeutic effect it has on the body.

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This article makes use of information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Essential oil for Vitiligo (Turmeric and Mustard Oil?)
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