6 Fern Medicinal Uses? (Sweet, Resurrection, Male Root, Sword)


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What are the medicinal uses of Fern plants?

Medicinal uses of fern plants include treating the following:

  1. Alopecia
  2. Dandruff
  3. Kidney Stones
  4. Cough
  5. Digestive tract illness
  6. Air purification

A study carried out in 2017 concluded that the phytochemicals from some of the fern species may have potential medicinal applications. However, further medical research is required to confirm these benefits.

What are the medicinal properties of Sweet Fern?

The medicinal properties of sweet fern include:

  • Astringent
  • Digestive tonic
  • Immune tonic
  • Lymphatic tonic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Emollient 
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiviral 
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-tumor
  • Anaphylactic
  • Antimutagenic
  • Choleric
  • Bronchodilator
  • Free radical scavenger
  • Muscle relaxant

Sweet fern is also used to treat acne, and it may also hinder insulin degradation and may in theory benefit someone who is suffering from diabetes mellitus or impaired insulin tolerance.

However, more medical research and studies are required to confirm these medicinal properties of sweet fern.

In the video below, Mark Young explains the medicinal uses of sweet fern tea.

This is our recommended Maidenhair Fern Plant:

House Plant Shop | Fern ‘Maidenhair’ – 4″ Pot | Live Indoor Plant | Easy to Care | Natural Décor Plant | Great Gifts| Free Care Guide

What are the medicinal uses of Resurrection Fern?

There are many medicinal uses of resurrection fern as it contains many flavonoids. These are disease-fighting plant-based compounds. Resurrection fern is particularly rich in quercetin, luteolin, chlorogenic acid, and kaempferol which studies indicate may contribute to reducing inflammation, arthritis pain, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels

It should be noted that resurrection has only around 50 mg of each flavonoid per gram. To take effect, the minimum dodge of a flavonoid is around 500 mg per serving. It is best to take these flavonoids in supplement form.

It is believed that the resurrection fern has anti-aging and skin healing properties due to its high antioxidant content, but there is no medical research to support this property yet.

It is also believed that the resurrection plant can increase blood flow to the uterus, so it is commonly used during pregnancy. A study found that out of 460 Malaysian women, 66% of them used the resurrection firm during pregnancy, but this study did not show the effects of the resurrection plant in pregnancy, so it is best to consult a medical professional before using it.

What are the benefits of the Male Fern root?

The male root fern is believed to have the following benefits:

  • The root stalks are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anodyne, astringent, vermifuge, febrifuge, and vulnerary.
  • The root contains an oleoresin that can paralyze tapeworms and other internal parasites and has been used a flush out worms from the intestines.
  • The root can also be taken internally to treat internal hemorrhage, mumps, uterine bleeding, and feverish illnesses.
  • The root can also be used externally as a poultice in the treatment of boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and sores

Although more medical research and studies are required to confirm these medicinal benefits of the male root fern.

What are the medicinal uses of Sword Fern?

Medicinal uses of sword fern include infusing the stems and using them with poultices of chewed leaves to treat skin sores and boils. Moreover, a decoction of rhizomes can also be used to wash off dandruff. People also chew leaves as a remedy for sore throats or tonsillitis.

It should also be noted that there is yet no medical research or studies present to support these remedies.

What are the uses of Bracken Fern?

Uses of bracken fern are mainly medicinal. Research shows that bracken fern contains flavonoids. Due to this, bracken can be used to treat a wide variety of diseases, including nausea, stomach cramps, rheumatism, and headaches. The bracken fern root has also been used as an antiseptic and tonic.

Research has also shown that bracken fern was used as livestock bedding.

What are the medicinal uses of Maidenhair Fern?

The medicinal uses of maidenhair fern include the following:

  • Bronchitis
  • Coughs
  • Whooping cough
  • Menstrual problems
  • Hair loss
  • Darkening hair color

Maidenhair fern is also known to be an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent, so it can also be used as a poultice to treat snake bites and bee stings.

Research can support these uses as maidenhair has shown many medicinal properties.

What are the uses of Sensitive Fern?

Based on anecdotal evidence sensitive fern is believed to have medical uses. A few native American tribes utilized this plant as a medication for arthritis, blood problems, and infections. Others used it to treat various gynecological diseases.

There is yet no medical research or studies available that could determine the medicinal uses of sensitive fern.

What are the uses of Cinnamon Fern?

Cinnamon Ferns were used by Native American groups for medicinal purposes. A decoction of the root can be massaged onto impacted joints to treat rheumatism. The plant was also used as a remedy for chills, headaches, joint pain, and colds.

What are the medicinal uses of Licorice Fern?

The medicinal uses of Licorice fern are aimed at the treatment of a variety of chest complications. The licorice fern is of the type rhizomes, which are alterative, carminative, hemostatic, and pectoral.

Licorice fern can be eaten raw or can be infused with water to treat coughs, colds, chest pains, and shortness of breath. The roots of licorice fern can be chewed, and the juice can be swallowed as a treatment for sore throats. 

A tea of freshly ground and boiled licorice fern can be mixed with fir needles, which can and has been used to treat measles.

What are the medicinal uses of a Fiddlehead Fern?

Fiddlehead fern has a number of medicinal uses because of its high nutritional value. 

Fiddlehead fern can assist in growth as it is rich in copper, which is essential for the oxygenation process of red blood cells. A low level of copper may stunt growth and result in muscle and  joint pain, fatigue, and poor brain function. Research has also shown that copper deficiency can lead to anemia.

It can also help maintain heart health as research showed niacin which fiddlehead fern contains, assists in regulating the levels of cholesterol by reducing triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the body. This can reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease.

FIddlehead fern is also believed to treat cancer as the high amount of Vitamin C in it aids the drugs used in chemotherapy. Research has also shown vitamin C boosts immunity.

Fiddlehead fern is also a rich source of vitamin A which gives it anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat inflammatory complications such as wounds.

What are the benefits of Kangaroo Paw Fern extract for the skin?

The benefits of kangaroo paw fern extract for the skin include the following:

  • It may speed up skin recovery
  • It may decrease the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • It may cause the skin to firm up
  • It may hydrate and brighten the skin

Kangaroo paw flower is believed to have these benefits as it is rich in essential fatty acids, but further medical research and studies are required to support these claims.

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This article makes use of information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

6 Fern Medicinal Uses? (Sweet, Resurrection, Male Root, Sword)
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